Home Anti-corruption Control of corruption was not a priority on the governance agenda in the period 2005 – 2013

Control of corruption was not a priority on the governance agenda in the period 2005 – 2013

Controlo da corrupção não foi prioridade na agenda da governação no período 2005 – 2013

One of the points contained in the current government program (2009 – 2014) and which was carried over from the previous program (2004 – 2009), was to fight corruption as one of the issues of special attention in the area of governance. At a time when the government's achievements, in the period 2005-2013, are presented triumphantly by the press, mainly the public media (and some press which, although private, shows signs of being dominated by the public power), it is important to analyze the priority that had the challenge of fighting corruption on the governance agenda and the results that were achieved.

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