Home Anti-corruption SISE governed by a legal framework of dubious constitutionality

SISE governed by a legal framework of dubious constitutionality

SISE regido por quadro legal de duvidosa constitucionalidade

The legal framework that regulates the State Information and Security Service (SISE), essentially comprised of Law number 12/2012, of February 8, which revises Law number 20/91, of August 23 (which extinguished SNASP, creating SISE), and by two regulatory decrees, it appears to have doubtful constitutionality and legality, especially since it confers powers foreign to the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique (CRM) on the President of the Republic (PR). it reserves, in addition to the fact that it confers on the director-general of SISE powers almost equivalent to that of a judge. With this problematic legal architecture, it clashes flagrantly with the fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizen, protected by the CRM.

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