Home Anti-corruption THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM IN MOZAMBIQUE: Many problems that compromise the rights of prisoners in pre-trial detention

THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM IN MOZAMBIQUE: Many problems that compromise the rights of prisoners in pre-trial detention

O SISTEMA PENITENCIÁRIO EM MOÇAMBIQUE: Muitos problemas que comprometem os direitos dos reclusos em prisão preventiva

This article presents the results of a survey carried out in Maputo, in 2012, on preventive detention. The conditions of imprisonment and access to legal representation for a group of inmates awaiting trial are analyzed within the context of the prison system then in force in Mozambique. While the author is aware that the legal and legal framework of the penitentiary system has advanced in the last three years, the research shows that the conditions of confinement and access to legal representation for a group of people in preventive detention in 2012 did not respond to international principles and that regulated the penitentiary system in the country.

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