Home Anti-corruption Why Doesn't the Central Office for Combating Corruption Share Insightful Information About the “Odebrecht Case”?

Why Doesn't the Central Office for Combating Corruption Share Insightful Information About the “Odebrecht Case”?

Porquê o Gabinete Central de Combate à Corrupção Não Partilha Informação Esclarecedora Sobre o “Caso Odebrecht”?

The cases of international corruption in which high-ranking Mozambican public officials are allegedly involved have not received due public clarification and have been immersed in a climate of lack of clarity regarding their investigation by the Public Ministry and, specifically, the Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC) as an entity specialized in investigating corruption and related crimes – no. 2 of Article 40 – D of Law no. 14/2012, of 8 February.
Specifically regarding the “Odebrecht Case”, the last information shared by the GCCC was on January 31, 2017, without substantial elements being brought to the public's knowledge, bearing in mind that the agency's spokesperson mentioned that the agency was expecting to receive by May 31 of this year information on the names of Mozambican officials allegedly involved in the case. However, it did not say whether the GCCC was already investigating the case or was simply waiting for such information to initiate it. What should be questioned, in case the investigation has not yet started, is the passive posture of the Public Ministry and, specifically, the GCCC in waiting to receive information from foreign authorities (in this case, Brazilian).

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