Rádio Moçambique1 was created on 2 October 1975, the year of nationalization of the radio production and broadcasting bodies then existing in Mozambique. Within the framework of the transformations introduced by the 1990 Constitution, Law no. 18/91, of 10 August, known as the Press Law, was approved, which establishes, in no. 1 of its article 11, that national broadcasting integrates the public sector of the press. Taking into account the new political and legal context, it was necessary to adapt the structure, organization and functioning of Rádio Moçambique (RM) to respond to the new political-administrative model. In these terms, under Law 17/91, of 3 August, Rádio Moçambique is
transformed into a Public Company endowed with financial, administrative and patrimonial autonomy. Rádio Moçambique is a state-owned 100% public company with share capital in the order of 121.9 million Meticais.