Home Hidden Debts Nyusi's son disposes of the assets allegedly acquired with money from hidden debts

Nyusi's son disposes of the assets allegedly acquired with money from hidden debts

Filho de Nyusi desfaz-se do património alegadamente adquirido com dinheiro das dívidas ocultas

With the advance of investigations into hidden debts, it was predictable that individuals who acquired assets with the money from illicit loans would seek to dispose of it, as a way to avoid tracking the assets acquired illegally, a practice that is facilitated in Mozambique by lack of legislation on asset recovery.

This is the case of Jacinto Ferrão Filipe Nyusi, son of the President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi. In July 2014, he purchased a villa located in an elite neighborhood in Cape Town and in October 2017, he sold the same property. The CIP is in possession of documents that prove the purchase and subsequent sale of the property by the son of the President of the Republic, who at the time of the facts was only 21 years old.

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