The Health sector receives the second largest allocation from the social sectors in the State Budget (OE), on average 9%. However, the budget is below the average contribution of countries in the Southern African region (11%) to the sector and the minimum of 15% recommended by the Abuja Declaration in April 2001. To fill the gap, MISAU receives funds from partners through various programs. It is these scarce funds that MISAU applies without efficiency, transparency or integrity in the purchase of medicines and hospital equipment and other services.
The Public Integrity Center (CIP) collected and analyzed the tenders launched by MISAU between 2014 and 2019 for the acquisition of medicines and hospital equipment and the contracting of public works contracts and, in this report, it demonstrates how a public procurement full of flaws, inefficient, lacking transparency and integrity, benefits a group of suppliers that earn millions from sales to the Health sector. This article presents and analyzes the MISAU supplier networks and the amounts involved.
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