Mozambique rose only one point in terms of budget transparency between 2017 and 2019, from 41/100 to 42/100, but it remains below countries in the southern region of Africa such as South Africa and Zimbabwe with 87 and 49 points respectively, according to the 2019 Open Budget Index. This survey, which is carried out by International Budget Partnership (IBP), in partnership with the Center for Public Integrity (CIP), showed that one of the most important documents for the discussion of the country's resource envelope, the State Budget Proposal (POE), continues to present limited information for scrutiny public.
However, with the approval by the Council of Ministers (CM) of the resolution on the Medium-Term Fiscal Scenario (CFMP) 2021 to 2023, there is room for improvements in the POE 2021 foundation document. And, for the timely disclosure of this important document, the CIP congratulates the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). However, it is important that it is in the public domain before the submission of POE 2021 so that it effectively has public utility.
In this sense, and in order to improve transparency in the foundation document and auxiliary tables of POE 2021, which should be submitted to the Assembly of the Republic by 30 September, the CIP proposes the following measures.