Home Public finances Government is not transparently and responsibly managing the fiscal policy packages introduced to address COVID-19

Government is not transparently and responsibly managing the fiscal policy packages introduced to address COVID-19

Governo não está a gerir de forma transparente e responsável os pacotes de política fiscal introduzidos para fazer face a COVID-19

 International Budget Partnership (IBP), which conducts the Open Budget Survey. Open Budget Survey (OBS), which assesses the transparency of governments in the budget process, readjusted this survey to assess the transparency of governments in implementing fiscal packages to address the pandemic.

The survey results indicate that the Government is managing fiscal measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in a non-transparent and responsible manner. The research evaluated the three basic elements (transparency, oversight and public participation). The results show that Mozambique had the lowest scores in terms of transparency for oversight and public participation in the implementation of fiscal packages within the scope of the COVID-19 emergency.

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