Home Anti-corruption Lack of Transparency in the Selection of Beneficiaries of the “Sustenta” Project Indicates Loyalty Purchase at Local Level

Lack of Transparency in the Selection of Beneficiaries of the “Sustenta” Project Indicates Loyalty Purchase at Local Level

Falta de Transparência na Selecção dos Beneficiários do Projecto “Sustenta” Indicia Compra de Lealdades a Nível Local

In 2017, the President of the Republic officially launched the “Sustenta” project in the province of Nampula, specifically in the district of Ribaué, under the tutelage of the then Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER). This project, nationwide and expected to be implemented over 5 years, in its first phase covered the provinces of Nampula and Zambézia. In Nampula province, the districts of Mecuburi, Laláua, Ribáue, Malema and Rapale were covered; in Zambézia, the districts of Gurué, Alto Molócue, Ile, Gilé and Mocuba.

Later, in 2020, the second phase of the project was launched in the province of Tete, already with national coverage, that is, covering all the country's provinces by the now designated Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER).

The Center for Public Integrity (CIP) carried out field research work between November 2020 and March 2021 in Tete provinces, Tsangano district; Nampula districts of Malema and Ribaué and Zambézia in the districts of Alto Molócue and Gurué in order to assess the level of integrity of the project, with regard to the management of the process leading to the selection of beneficiaries, in this case the so-called Emerging Small Farmers Traders ( PACEs). In other words, the research intends to analyze how the preliminary process leading to the selection of PACEs was organized.

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