Home Public finances Lack of price regulation for Private Medical Services puts citizens' health at risk

Lack of price regulation for Private Medical Services puts citizens' health at risk

Falta de Regulação do preço dos Serviços Médicos Privados põe em Risco a saúde do cidadão

The provision of health services by the private sector in Mozambique emerged in the 1980s as a result of the liberalization of these services by the Government. Since then, the demand for these services has increased over the years. However, the lack of regulation of the price of these services, the obligation to deposit security deposits for hospitalizations and other treatments, and the application of discriminatory prices constitute an attack on the health and life of users.

The development of the private health sector in Mozambique is largely due to the inefficiency of public health services in responding to the population's health care needs. The cancellation of some services such as surgery, external consultations and the limitation of service hours associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, aggravated the deficit situation of public services, causing private services to be in greater demand.

 The increase in demand for private health services is related to the inefficiency of public health services associated with delays in care, long waiting lines, cancellation of surgeries and outpatient appointments, lack of medication and hospital supplies, among other factors.

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