The Center for Public Integrity (CIP), held on the eighteenth of November, two thousand and nineteen, at Hotel Avenida, in Maputo, a workshop of engagement with the main stakeholders of the water supply and sanitation sector.
Under the motto, Water and Sanitation must be an effective priority in the five-year period 2020 – 2024, with this event the CIP intended to understand the key nuances behind poor budget allocation and execution in the water and sanitation sector. To this end, the program was structured in order to give the MOPHRH the opportunity to bring the main difficulties faced by the sector in the budget planning and execution process and to the MEF, the opportunity to explain the budget planning cycle and list the reasons that may be for behind the weak budget execution in this sector, as well as framing the finance law of provincial decentralized governance bodies – Law nº 16/2019 of 24 September.
See related documents through this link
MEF Presentation - Planning Cycle
MEF Presentation – OGDP's Finance Law